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Clone Django Model Instances and Store Object in Database

Django Web Framework Tutorials

In Django, you may encounter situations where you need to clone a model instance making duplicate of an existing object with some modifications, and then save it to the database. Cloning can be useful for various scenarios, such as creating drafts, archiving data or making a backup. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps to clone Django model instance and save it to the database.

Step 1: Retrieve the Instance to Clone

First, retrieve the model instance that you want to clone from database. You can use a query to fetch the object that you intend to duplicate.

original_instance = MyModel.objects.get(pk=1)

In this example we’re retrieving the object with a primary key (pk) of 1.

Step 2: Create a New Instance

Next, create a new instance of the model class that you want to clone. This new instance will be clone of original object.

new_instance = MyModel()

Step 3: Copy Attributes and Fields

To clone the object, you need to copy the values of its attributes and fields to the new instance. You can do this by iterating through the fields and assigning their values to the new instance.

for field in MyModel._meta.fields:
    setattr(new_instance,, getattr(original_instance,

This loop iterates through all the fields in the model, getting the values from the original instance and setting them in the new instance.

Step 4: Modify as Needed

At this point, you have a clone of the original instance. If you need to make any modifications to the clone, you can do so now. For example, you can change specific attributes or fields

new_instance.field1 = 'Modified Value'

Step 5: Save the New Instance

Finally, save the new instance to the database using the save() method.

The clone is now saved in the database as a new object.


Use Cases

Cloning model instances is beneficial for various use cases, including:


Cloning Django model instances allows you to duplicate existing objects with ease facilitating various data management tasks.. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively clone model instances and save them to the database for your specific use cases and requirements

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