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How to Create Custom Signal in Django

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django signals are a powerful way to enable communication and interaction between different components of a web application. While Django provides several built-in signals to handle common events, there are cases where you may need to create custom signals tailored to your application’s specific requirements. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of creating custom signals in Django, enabling you to further enhance the modularity and flexibility of your web application.

Read our Blog on How to Use and Create Django Signal using Built-in Signals before you proceed.

Understanding Custom Signals

Custom signals in Django are user-defined signals that allow you to create and emit events specific to your application’s needs. They follow the same publish-subscribe pattern as built-in signals, where one part of the application (publisher) sends a signal, and other parts (subscribers) can listen and respond to that signal by executing their associated actions. Custom signals are particularly useful when you want to trigger custom actions or notify different parts of your application about specific events.

Steps to Create Custom Signals

Step 1: Import necessary modules and create the signal.

from django.dispatch import Signal

# Create a custom signal
custom_signal = Signal()

Step 2: Define the signal handling function(s) that will be executed when the signal is triggered.

def custom_signal_handler(sender, **kwargs):
    # Code to perform custom actions

Step 3: Connect the signal to the signal handling function(s).


Step 4: Emit the signal when the desired event occurs in your application.

# Code that triggers the custom signal

Example Scenario for Custom Django Signals:

Let’s create a simple example to demonstrate how to create and use a custom signal in Django. Suppose we have a blog application, and we want to send a notification whenever a new comment is posted.

Step 1: Create the custom signal in your file.

from django.dispatch import Signal

# Create a custom signal for new comments
new_comment_signal = Signal()

Step 2: Define the signal handling function in the same file.

from myapp.signals import new_comment_signal

def handle_new_comment(sender, comment, **kwargs):
    # Code to send a notification when a new comment is posted

Step 3: Connect the signal to the signal handling function in the ready() method of your app’s configuration class (

from django.apps import AppConfig

class MyAppConfig(AppConfig):
    default_auto_field = 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'
    name = 'myapp'

    def ready(self):
        import myapp.signals
        from .signals import new_comment_signal

If you are facing error: AppRegistryNotReady. Then please import your signal in def ready(self):

raise AppRegistryNotReady("Apps aren't loaded yet.")
django.core.exceptions.AppRegistryNotReady: Apps aren't loaded yet.

Step 4: Emit the signal whenever a new comment is saved in your or

from myapp.signals import new_comment_signal

def post_comment(request):
    # Code to save the comment
    # ...

    # Emit the custom signal when a new comment is posted
    new_comment_signal.send(sender=None, comment=new_comment)

FAQ on Django Signals

In custom signals, the @receiver decorator is not used, why?

In custom signals, the @receiver decorator is not used. Custom signals are created using the Signal class directly without the need for the decorator.

How to create Asynchronous Signals?

Django’s built-in signals are synchronous by default, meaning they are executed immediately when the signal is sent. However, there are ways to make signals asynchronous using external libraries or techniques. You can use Celery or Django Channels to make signals asynchronous.


Custom signals in Django provide a flexible and elegant way to enable communication between different components of your web application. By following the steps mentioned above, you can create custom signals and efficiently handle custom events within your Django project. Embrace the power of custom signals to enhance modulrity and maintainability, making your application more robust and scalable. Happy coding!

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