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How to Filter Django Queries with Lists of Values

Django Web Framework Tutorials

In Django, you often need to filter query sets based on specific criteria. One common requirement is filtering an query with a list of values. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to filter Django queries using lists of values providing examples and best practices.

Using the “in” Lookup

Django ORM provides the in lookup to filter query sets based on list of values. This lookup is versatile and allows you to filter on various fields and types of data. Here’s how to use it:

from myapp.models import MyModel

# Create a list of values
value_list = [value1, value2, value3]

# Filter the query set using the 'in' lookup
result = MyModel.objects.filter(field__in=value_list)

In this example, we filter the MyModel query set based on the values in value_list, matching records where the ‘field’ matches any value in the list.

Filtering on Multiple Fields

You can filter on multiple fields by chaining filter() methods:

result = MyModel.objects.filter(field1__in=value_list).filter(field2__in=another_list)

This query filters MyModel records based on values in two fields, ‘field1’ and ‘field2’, with different lists of values.

Using the Q Object

The Q object allows for more complex queries, including OR conditions. You can use it with the in lookup to filter records based on list of values with more advanced logic:

from django.db.models import Q

result = MyModel.objects.filter(Q(field1__in=value_list) | Q(field2__in=another_list))

In this example, we filter MyModel records where ‘field1’ matches any value in value_list or ‘field2’ matches any value in another_list.

Best Practices

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