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Get Phone Number Information and Validation with Python

Python Programming

In our highly connected world, information is at our fingertips. If you’re curious about exploring phone number details programmatically, Python can be a powerful tool to help you achieve that. In this blog, we’ll dive into how you can retrieve phone number information using Python and various APIs.

Why Retrieve Phone Number Information?

Retrieving phone number information can have various applications, such as verifying user details, enriching contact databases, or preventing fraudulent activities. With the right tools, you can extract valuable insights from phone numbers.


Before we proceed, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

Using the phonenumbers Library

The phonenumbers library in Python allows you to parse, format, and manipulate phone numbers. You can install it using the following command:

pip install phonenumbers

Example: Extracting Basic Information

Let’s start with a simple example of how to extract basic information from a phone number using the phonenumbers library:

import phonenumbers

phone_number = "+1234567890"
parsed_number = phonenumbers.parse(phone_number, None)

print("Country Code:", parsed_number.country_code)
print("National Number:", parsed_number.national_number)
print("Carrier:", phonenumbers.carrier.name_for_number(parsed_number, "en"))

This script will print the country code, national number, and carrier name associated with the provided phone number.

Example: Validating and Formatting

You can also validate and format phone numbers using the phonenumbers library:

import phonenumbers

phone_number = "+1234567890"
parsed_number = phonenumbers.parse(phone_number, None)

if phonenumbers.is_valid_number(parsed_number):
    formatted_number = phonenumbers.format_number(parsed_number, phonenumbers.PhoneNumberFormat.INTERNATIONAL)
    print("Formatted Number:", formatted_number)
    print("Invalid phone number.")

This example checks if the provided phone number is valid and then formats it in international format.

Example: Geolocation

With the geocoder module, you can retrieve geolocation information associated with a phone number:

import phonenumbers
import phonenumbers.geocoder

phone_number = "+1234567890"
parsed_number = phonenumbers.parse(phone_number, None)

if phonenumbers.is_valid_number(parsed_number):
    location = phonenumbers.geocoder.description_for_number(parsed_number, "en")
    print("Location:", location)
    print("Invalid phone number.")

This script provides the location information of the phone number, such as the country where the number is registered.


Python offers a convenient way to extract valuable information from phone numbers, enhancing your ability to verify, format, and enrich your data. The phonenumbers library is a powerful tool that simplifies phone number manipulation and retrieval tasks.

Whether you’re building contact management systems, fraud prevention tools, or just satisfying your curiosity, Python’s capabilities can empower you to harness phone number information effectively. Remember to explore the documentation of the libraries you use to fully utilize their features and possiblities. Happy coding!

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