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Check Numbers and Strings Palindrome in Python

Python Programming

In Python programming, checking for a palindrome is a common task that involves determining if a given number or string reads the same forwards and backwards. Palindrome checks are widely used in various applications, including string manipulation, data validation, and algorithmic problem-solving. In this blog post, we will explore how to write Python programs to check for palindromes, understand the underlying logic, and provide examples to demonstrate their implementation.

What is Palindrome in python?

In Python, a palindrome is a sequence (such as a string or a number) that reads the same forwards as it does backwards. For example, “radar” and “121” are palindromes because they read the same in both directions. Palindromes are commonly checked using code to determine if a given sequence exhibits this symmetrical property.

Palindrome Program for Numbers in Python

To check if a number is a palindrome, we reverse the digits and compare them with the original number. If they are the same, the number is a palindrome.

Example: Python program to check palindrome number:

def is_palindrome_number(number):
    number_str = str(number)
    reversed_str = number_str[::-1]
    return number_str == reversed_str

number = 12321
if is_palindrome_number(number):
    print(number, "is a palindrome number")
    print(number, "is not a palindrome number")


12321 is a palindrome number

Palindrome Code for Strings in Python

To check if a string is a palindrome, we compare it with its reverse. If they are the same, the string is a palindrome.

Example: Python program to check palindrome string:

def is_palindrome_string(string):
    reversed_string = string[::-1]
    return string == reversed_string

string = "radar"
if is_palindrome_string(string):
    print(string, "is a palindrome string")
    print(string, "is not a palindrome string")


radar is a palindrome string


Finding for palindromes in Python involves comparing a number or string with its reverse to determine if it reads the same forwards and backwards. In this blog post, we explored the logic behind palindrome checks and provided example Python programs to demonstrate their implementation for numbers and strings. You can test the programs with different inputs to verify their palindrome status. Palindrome checks are valuable for various string manipulations, data validations, and algorithmic tasks. Enjoy implementing palindrome checks in your Python projects!

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