Getting the Django Admin URL for an Object

The Django admin interface provides a convenient way to manage and edit objects in your database through a user-friendly web interface. However, sometimes you may need to get the URL for a specific object’s admin page in your code. In this blog post, we’ll explore a few different approaches to getting the admin URL for a Django model instance.

Why Get the Admin URL?

There are a few common cases where you may want to get the admin URL for an object programmatically:

  • To generate a link to the admin page for an object in a template or view. This allows you to easily create links to edit or view an object.
  • To redirect to the admin page for an object, such as after creating or updating an object.
  • To generate the full URLs for admin pages in API output or reports to make the admin pages easy to access.
  • To integrate the Django admin with custom dashboards or admin tools that need to link back to admin pages.

The Admin URL Structure

The URLs for the Django admin are structured predictably based on the app name, model name, and object ID. The basic structure is:


For example:


To generate these URLs dynamically, we just need the app name, model name, and the primary key of the object. With this information, constructing the admin URL is straightforward.

Getting the Admin URL

There are a few different approaches to getting the adminURL for a model instance:

1. Use the get_absolute_url() Method

The cleanest approach is to define a get_absolute_url() method on your model class that returns the admin URL. For example:

from django.urls import reverse

class Post(models.Model):
  # ...

  def get_absolute_url(self):
      return reverse('admin:blog_post_change', args=[str(])

Then to get the URL, just call:

post = Post.objects.get(...) 
url = post.get_absolute_url()

This encapsulates theURL generation in the model itself.

2. Use reverse() Directly

You can also use Django’s reverse() function directly to reverse the admin change URL, constructing the parameters based on the model instance:

from django.urls import reverse

post = Post.objects.get(...)
url = reverse('admin:blog_post_change', args=[str(])

This is a bit more verbose but avoids coupling theURL logic to the model class.

3. Manually Construct the URL

You can also just manually construct the adminURL using the pattern:

python url = f'/admin/blog/post/{}/'

While this works, it tightly couples the code to the adminURL structure. It’s better to use reverse() so the URL patterns can be changed without breaking any code.


  • Getting the adminURL for a Django model instance is useful for linking to the admin pages or redirecting after updates.
  • Use get_absolute_url(), reverse(), or manual construction based on the standard adminURL format.
  • get_absolute_url() encapsulates theURL logic in the model, while reverse() avoids coupling the model and URLs.
  • reverse() and definingURL patterns is preferable to hard-coding URLs for easier maintainability.

By mastering these techniques for getting admin URLs, you can seamlessly integrate the Django admin into your projects