Handling DatabaseError: Current Transaction Is Aborted in Django

Django, a powerful web framework for Python, relies on database transactions to ensure data consistency and integrity However, there are situations where database transactions can become compromise leading to a “DatabaseError: current transaction is aborted” message. In this blog post, we explore the causes of this error and discuss how to handle it in Django.

Understanding the Error

The error message “DatabaseError: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block” typically indicates an issue with database transaction. In Django, this error can occur when an exception is raised within a transaction block, causing the transaction to be rolled back and marked as aborted.

Common Causes

  1. Database Integrity Errors: This error can occur when database integrity constraints (e.g, unique constraints or foreign key constraints) are violated.
  2. Exceptions in Views: If an unhandled exception is raised in view function, the transaction may be rolled back, resulting in this error.
  3. Explicit Rollback: If you explicitly call rollback() on a database connection, it can trigger this error.
  4. Database Deadlocks: In concurrent environments, database deadlocks can lead to transaction aborts.

Handling the Error

  1. Debug the Issue: Begin by identifying the specific cause of the error. Check the logs and any exceptions that occurred within your views. Look for integrity constraint violations, such as unique constraint violations.
  2. Use Database Transactions: Wrap your database operations in transactions. Django’s @transaction.atomic decorator can be used to create transaction blocks. This ensures that the transaction is committed only if there are no exceptions.
from django.db import transaction

def my_view(request):
    # Your database operations here
  1. Handle Exceptions: Make sure to handle exceptions properly within your views. Use try and except blocks to capture exceptions and provide appropriate error handling.
  2. Deadlock Prevention: In cases of database deadlocks, consider using techniques like optimizing queries, adjusting isolation levels, or implementing retry mechanisms to avoid or mitigate deadlocks.
  3. Database Constraints: Review your database schema and constraints to ensure they are correctly defined. Make sure foreign key relationships and unique constraints are accurate.
  4. Logging: Implement comprehensive logging to capture and analyze errors, especially when exceptions occur.


The “DatabaseError: current transaction is aborted” error in Django is a crucial indicator of compromised database transaction. Understanding its common causes and applying appropriate error handling and prevention techniques can help you maintain data integrity and robust database operations in your Django applications.