Introducing the 403 Forbidden Response

First and foremost, the 403 Forbidden response is an HTTP status code that means access to the requested resource is forbidden. Specifically, the server understood the request but refuses to authorize it. There are a few common cases where you may want to deliberately raise a 403 error in your Django application.

Reasons to Raise a 403 Error

For starters, you may want to restrict access to certain views or URLs to authenticated users. Similarly, you can limit permissions to users with certain privileges or roles. Raising a403 error is a clean way to deny access in these cases. Additionally, you may want to block malicious requests or scrapers to protect your site. Sending a 403 gets the message across that they are not authorized.

How to Trigger a 403 Error

In light of these use cases, let’s look at some ways to manually raise a403 error in Django views and code. By the same token, we’ll explore how Django can automatically forbid access based on permissions and authentication.

Raising 403 in Views

Most importantly, the easiest way to manually send a403 from any view is to raise the PermissionDenied exception. Specifically:

from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied

def my_view(request):
  if not request.user.is_authenticated:
    raise PermissionDenied

Similarly, Django provides the permission_required decorator to check if a user has the needed permissions and forbid access if not:

# Additional code examples

Leveraging Django’s Permission System

Likewise, you can leverage Django’s built-in permission system to restrict access and trigger403 errors. Specifically, you can assign permissions to groups and users. Then check those permissions in code and views.

For example:

# Code examples

Now only users with the proper role and permissions can access the view. Others will get a 403 error.


In closing, deliberately raising403 errors is useful for restricting access and signaling unauthorized requests. Both Django and Python provide flexible ways to implement access control and raise exceptions. Configuring user roles, permissions, and decorators allow granular management of who can access what resources. Now you have several options to fittingly raise 403 responses in your Django project!