Applying Django Database Migrations with Docker Compose

Django Web Framework Tutorials

When developing Django applications using Docker Compose for the local environment, managing database changes can require some special handling. In particular, applying Django migrations within the Docker-Composed environment requires coordination between the app container and the database container. Here is an overview of why this extra coordination is needed and some best practices for streamlining … Read more

Completely Deleting All Rows from a Django Model Table

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django provides a very convenient way to delete all rows from a database table that is tied to a Django model. While dropping the table and recreating it is an option, Django allows you to truncate the table instead which is faster, especially for large tables. The Django Model and Database Table Relationship First, it’s … Read more

Getting Past Django CSRF Middleware With Ajax

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django’s Cross Site Request Forgery protection is an important security measure to prevent malicious requests from other sites. However, it can cause frustrating errors when sending legitimate requests, especially Ajax POST requests. In this post, we’ll examine why you may encounter 403 CSRF failures with Ajax and how to properly configure Django and your JavaScript … Read more

Introducing the 403 Forbidden Response

Django Web Framework Tutorials

First and foremost, the 403 Forbidden response is an HTTP status code that means access to the requested resource is forbidden. Specifically, the server understood the request but refuses to authorize it. There are a few common cases where you may want to deliberately raise a 403 error in your Django application. Reasons to Raise … Read more

Django Queries – ID vs PK: Maximizing Efficiency

Django Web Framework Tutorials

In the world of Django and relational databases, the choice between using “id” or “pk” in your queries can significantly impact the efficiency of your application. In this blog post, we’ll explore differences between these two options and help you make informed decisions for your Django projects. Understanding id and pk First, let’s clarify what … Read more

Fixing the “No app_label” Error in Django Models

Django Web Framework Tutorials

When building a Django application, you may encounter the error “Model class <model name> doesn’t declare an explicit app_label and isnt in an application in INSTALLED_APPS.” This error occurs when you define a model outside of an installed app, causing Django to be unable to associate the model with an application. Fortunately, this error is … Read more

Convert a Django QuerySet to a List

Django Web Framework Tutorials

In Django, developers often encounter scenarios where they need to convert QuerySets to lists for various operations and manipulations. Understanding the process of converting Django QuerySet to a list is crucial for efficient data handling. In this blog, we will explore different methods and best practices to perform this conversion. Introduction to Django QuerySet A … Read more

How to Set a Value of Variable Inside Template Code in Django

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django is powerful and popular Python-based web framework that follows the model-template-view (MTV) architecture. While Django encourages separating logic from presentation, there are instances where setting a variable’s value directly within a template becomes necessary. Although its generally recommended to handle such operations within the view or the context processor, there are a few ways … Read more

How to Query Case-Insensitive Data in Django ORM

Django Web Framework Tutorials

In Django, querying case-insensitive data can be crucial when you want to perform searches or filters without considering the letter case. This allows for more comprehensive and accurate data retrieval. Here a step-by-step guide on how to achieve case-insensitive querying in Django ORM effectively. Step 1: Understand the Case-Insensitive Requirement Identify the fields in your … Read more

Filtering Query Objects by Date Range in Django

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django, a robust Python web framework, provides powerful tools for filtering query objects by date ranges. Whether youre working with events, bookings, or any time-sensitive data, its essential to understand how to filter data based on date and time. In this blog post, we’ll explore various techniques and best practices for filtering query objects by … Read more

Select_related vs Prefetch_related in Django ORM: Whats Difference

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django, powerful Python web framework, provides two essential methods for optimizing database queries: select_related and prefetch_related. Both methods aim to reduce the number of database queries by efficiently retrieving related data. In this blog post we’ll explore the key differences between select_related and prefetch_related and when to use each in your Django projects. Difference between … Read more

What is related_name Attribute in Django Models

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django is a powerful Python web framework, offers an elegant and efficient way to work with database relationships through its models. In Django models, the related_name attribute is a valuable tool that provides a way to customize the reverse relationship name between models. In this blog, we’ll explore what related_name is used for in Django … Read more

Django CRUD Operations Application Project Example

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django, a versatile web framework, empowers developers to build web applications with ease. One of the foundational aspects of web development is performing CRUD operations: Create, Read, Update, and Delete. In this tutorial, we’ll walk through building a simple “Task List” application using Django, where users can manage their tasks effectively. We’ll cover each CRUD … Read more

Django Autocomplete Search Input Field with Suggestions: Examples

Django Web Framework Tutorials

In modern web applications, providing users with a seamless and efficient search experience is crucial. Autocomplete search with suggestions is a feature that can significantly enhance the user experience, making it easier for users to find what they’re looking for quickly. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to implement autocomplete search with suggestions in a … Read more

Integrating Facebook Like and Share Button in Django Website

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django REST Framework is a robust and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs. It is written in python and allows the user to create some cool and awesome web applications. In this blog we will learn about integrating facebook like and share plugin using Django. If you have ever used facebook you know that below … Read more

Exploring Built-In Error Views in Django: 403, 500, 404

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django, a high-level Python web framework, is known for its robust features and flexibility. Among its many components, Django provides built-in error views and handling mechanisms to ensure your web application can gracefully manage errors and exceptions. In this blog post, we will delve into Django’s built-in error views, explaining how they work and how … Read more

Mastering Django Admin Panel Interface Dashboard Customization

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django’s built-in admin panel provides a powerful interface for managing your application’s data, but its default appearance may not always align with your project’s design or functionality requirements. Fortunately, Django allows extensive customization of the admin panel. In this comprehensive blog post, we’ll explore various techniques and examples to help you fully customize the Django … Read more

Introduction to Websockets and Django Channels

We all have seen a website, know about what HTTP servers are, but what are these websockets and how are they even related to HTTPs you must be wondering this. What are Channels? Let’s understand each and every thing in detail. But before understanding all these we need to know about Asynchronous and Synchronous, now … Read more