Setting Up Scheduled Job in Python Django

Python Django is a versatile web framework that can be used for wide range of applications beyond web development. Sometimes you might need to automate tasks or run certain processes at specific intervals. To achieve this, you can set up scheduled jobs or cron jobs in Django. In this blog post, we’ll walk through the process of setting up a scheduled job in Python Django using the django-crontab package.

What is django-crontab?

django-crontab is third-party Django package that allows you to schedule cron jobs within your Django project. With this package, you can define and manage periodic tasks that run at the specified times or intervals.

How to Create Cron Jobs in Django

Step 1: Install django-crontab

To get started,, you need to install the django-crontab package. You can do this using pip:

pip install django-crontab

Once installed, add 'django_crontab' to your Django project’s INSTALLED_APPS in the file:

    # ...
    # ...

Step 2: Configure Cron Jobs

In Django, you can define your cron jobs in the project’s settings file ( Add following lines to your to configure your cron jobs:

    # Example: Run a job every day at midnight
    ('0 0 * * *', 'your_app_name.tasks.your_task_function'),

Replace '0 0 * * *' with your desired cron expression, and 'your_app_name.tasks.your_task_function' with the path to the Python function you want to run as a scheduled job. The example above schedules a task to run every day at midnight.

Step 3: Register the Scheduled Job

In your Django app, create a Python file (e.g., if you haven’t already. Inside this file, define the Python function that corresponds to the task you want to run. For example:

# your_app_name/
from import BaseCommand
from datetime import datetime

def sample_task():
    This is a sample task function that you can schedule to run periodically.
    In this example, we'll simply print a message and log the current date and time.

    # You can replace this with your actual task logic
    print("Sample task is running at:",

    # Add your task logic here
    # For example, you could update database records, send emails, generate reports, etc.

# Additional task functions can be defined here if needed

Step 4: Apply the Cron Jobs

Now that you’ve configured your cron jobs, you need to apply them to your Django project. Run the following command:

python crontab add

This command will add the cron jobs you defined in the CRONJOBS setting to your system’s crontab.

Step 5: Manage Cron Jobs

You can view and manage your scheduled cron jobs using Django management commands. To list your scheduled jobs, use the following command:

python crontab show

To remove all scheduled jobs, use:

python crontab remove


Setting up a scheduled job in Python Django using django-crontab is powerful way to automate tasks and processes within your Django application. Whether you need to run periodic data updates, send automated emails, or perform any other recurring task, django-crontab makes it easy to define and manage cron jobs in your Django project.

Find this project on Github.