When to Use Django Model() vs Model.objects.create()

In Django, creating and working with database records is fundamental part of web application development. When its comes to creating new records, you have two primary options: using the Model() constructor or the Model.objects.create() method. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between these two approaches and discuss when it is appropriate to use each.

Using the Model() Constructor

Creating a Model Instance

The Model() constructor allows you to create a new instance of a model without saving it to the database immediately. This means that record is not added to the database until you explicitly call the save() method on the model instance.

from myapp.models import MyModel

# Create a model instance
new_instance = MyModel(field1='Value1', field2='Value2')

# Save the instance to the database

Use Cases for Model() Constructor:

  • When you need to manipulate the instance or set additional attributes before saving it to database.
  • In situations where you want to save multiple instances at once to minimize database queries.

Using Model.objects.create()

Creating and Saving a Model Instance

The Model.objects.create() method combines instance creation and saving in a single step. It creates a new model instance with the provided values and immediately saves it to the database.

from myapp.models import MyModel

# Create and save a model instance
MyModel.objects.create(field1='Value1', field2='Value2')

Use Cases for Model.objects.create():

  • When you want to create and save a new model instance in one concise step, avoiding the need to call save() separately.
  • For simple record creation where you don’t need to perform additional actions on the instance before saving it.

Choosing the Right Approach

The choice between using the Model() constructor and Model.objects.create() depends on the specific requirements of application and context in which you are working. Here are some considerations to help you decide:

  • If you need to perform additional operations or validations before saving the instance using the Model() constructor allows you to do so.
  • When you want to create and save a record in a single step, Model.objects.create() is more concise and convenient.
  • If you are dealing with multiple instances that need to be saved at once, creating instances with the Model() constructor and saving them together can help minimize database queries.


Both the Model() constructor and Model.objects.create() are valuable tools for creating records in a Django application. Your choice between two should be based on the specific requirements of your project, whether its a matter of convenience, data manipulation, or database query optimization.. Understanding when to use each method allows you to efficiently work with Django models and manage your applications data effectively.