Iterating Through a Dictionary in a Dictionary in Django Templates

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django templates provide several useful filters and tags for looping through and accessing data in dictionaries and lists. However, iterating through nested data structures like a dictionary inside a dictionary can be tricky. In this post, I’ll explain different methods for looping through and accessing nested dictionary’s data in Django templates. Using Dot Notation in … Read more

Getting Your Domain Name in Django Templates

Django Web Framework Tutorials

When building a Django-powered website, you may need to display the site’sDomain name in templates and views. Knowing how to properly get the domain can help ensure links, images, and other external references work correctly. In this post, we’ll explore a few simple ways to get your domain name in Django templates. Using the Sites … Read more

Filtering DateTimeFields in Django

Django Web Framework Tutorials

As developers build web applications with Django, they often need to work with dates and times stored in the database. Django makes this easy with the DateTimeField model field. However, to make the most of this data, developers need to know how to properly filter DateTimeFields in queries. In this post, we’ll explore some effective … Read more

Adding Custom CSS Classes to Django Forms

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django’s form rendering system facilitates seamless styling of forms through the incorporation of custom CSS classes. This not only grants enhanced control over the presentation layer but also enables extensive customization without necessitating alterations to the Python code. In the following discussion, we will delve into the diverse methods at your disposal for seamlessly appending … Read more

Handling KeyError in Django’s CreateCheckoutSessionView

Django Web Framework Tutorials

It simplifies the process of building web applications by providing a well-structured framework. However, like any other software, it’s common to encounter errors during development. In this blog post, we will discuss a common error that Django developers encounter – KeyError exception – and explore how to handle it effectively. The Error Scenario: Let’s begin … Read more

Rendering Template Variables as HTML

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Developing web applications often involves passing dynamic data to templates for rendering. This data may come from a database or other sources. When the data contains HTML, rendering it directly in templates can lead to security issues like cross-site scripting (XSS). To display HTML from template data safely, you need to escape or sanitize the … Read more

Various Techniques to Filter a Date of a DateTimeField in Django

Django Web Framework Tutorials

As a Django developer, working with DateTimeField is a common occurrence. Filtering data based on dates can be a crucial requirement in many applications. Django provides several effective ways to filter date from a DateTimeField. In this blog, we explore different techniques to achieve this task. Introduction to DateTimeField in Django In Django, a DateTimeField … Read more

Updating a Record with Single Queryset in Django

Django Web Framework Tutorials

In Django, efficiently selecting and updating a record in a single queryset is a valuable skill for optimizing database operations. Utilizing the F() expression and the update() method you can accomplish this task with a single query, enhancing the performance of your application. Let explore how to select and update record in one queryset in … Read more

How to Set Default Values in Django Form

Django Web Framework Tutorials

In Django, forms are crucial component for collecting and processing user input. Often, it is necessary to set default values for certain form fields ensuring a smooth and intuitive user experience. Whether you are building a simple contact form or a complex data entry interface, setting default values in Django forms is a valuable skill … Read more

Get User IP Addresses in Django Web App

Django Web Framework Tutorials

In Django, its often necessary to obtain the IP address of user visiting your web application. Whether you want to track user activity, perform geo location or implement security measures, understanding how to retrieve user IP addresses is crucial. In this blog post, we’ll explore multiple methods to obtain user IP addresses in Django, along … Read more

OneToOneField() vs ForeignKey() in Django Model

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django is a popular web framework for Python, offers powerful Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system that simplifies database interactions. When designing your database schema, you often need to define relationships between different models. Two common ways to establish these relationships are using OneToOneField() and ForeignKey() fields. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between these … Read more

Where Does Pip Install Packages in Virtual Environment

Python Programming

When you create and activate a virtual environment in Python using venv or virtualenv, the pip tool installs packages into a directory specific to that virtual environment. The packages are isolated from global Python environment ensuring that dependencies for a specific project do not interfere with other projects.. The directory structure of a virtual environment … Read more

Integrate Paytm Payment Gateway with Django Python Working Example

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Payment gateways are an essential part of e-commerce websites, enabling businesses to securely process online transactions. Paytm is one of the popular payment gateways in India, and integrating it into your Django web application is relatively straightforward. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the steps to integrate Paytm payment gateway into your Django … Read more

How to Build Language Translator App using Python Django

Django Web Framework Tutorials

In our increasingly interconnected world, language barriers can be a significant obstacle. Fortunately, technology can help bridge these gaps. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of creating a Language Translator App using Django and the translate Python library. With this app, users can easily translate text between different languages, making … Read more