Custom Throttling in Django Rest Framework: API Rate Limits to Your Needs

Rate limiting is a cornerstone of maintaining API performance and protecting server resources. In Django Rest Framework (DRF), you have the flexibility to create your own throttling classes, known as custom throttling. In this blog, we’ll explore the power of custom throttling, delve into its practical applications, and guide you through a comprehensive example to help you implement it effectively.

Built-in Throttling Classes in DRF:

DRF offers several built-in throttling classes that you can use based on your requirements:

  1. AnonRateThrottle: Limits requests for unauthenticated (anonymous) clients.
  2. UserRateThrottle: Sets rate limits based on the authenticated user making the requests.
  3. ScopedRateThrottle: Allows you to define rate limits for specific views or groups of views.

Learn more about AnonRateThrottleScopedRateThrottle, UserRateThrottle  and see how to implement it.

The Power of Custom Throttling

Custom throttling in DRF allows you to define rate limits that align precisely with your application’s requirements. Whether you need to enforce unique rate limits for specific views, manage burst traffic, or accommodate complex usage scenarios, custom throttling empowers you to tailor rate limits to your needs.

Step-by-Step Implementation with Example

Let’s walk through the process of creating and implementing a custom throttling class in a DRF project.

Step 1: Creating a Custom Throttle Class

Create a new Python file for your custom throttle class. For example, let’s create a file named

from rest_framework.throttling import SimpleRateThrottle

class BurstThrottle(SimpleRateThrottle):
    rate = '10/hour'  # Allow 10 requests per hour

Step 2: Configuring the Custom Throttle

In your file, add the path to your custom throttle class:


Step 3: Applying Custom Throttle to a View

Create a view that you want to protect using your custom throttle:

from rest_framework.views import APIView
from rest_framework.response import Response

class CustomThrottleView(APIView):
    throttle_classes = ['']

    def get(self, request):
        data = {'message': 'This is a view with custom burst rate limiting.'}
        return Response(data)

By configuring the throttle in settings and applying it to the view, you’ve established custom rate limits tailored to your needs.


Custom throttling in Django Rest Framework empowers you to exert precise control over rate limits, adapting them to your application’s unique demands. This flexibility enhances security, prevents abuse, and optimizes server performance.

By mastering custom throttling, you can ensure a stable and responsive API ecosystem that accommodates diverse usage patterns and effectively manages traffic spikes. Remember that the power of custom throttling lies in its ability to align rate limits with your application’s specific goals and challenges.

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