Displaying the Current Year in a Django Template

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django makes it easy to dynamically display the current year in your templates. This can be useful for copyright notices, showing the release year of your product, or other situations where you want to automatically update the year displayed on your site. In this post, we’ll cover a simple way to show the current year … Read more

Understanding Django’s Auto-Created Primary Keys

Django Web Framework Tutorials

When you create a model in Django and don’t explicitly define a primary key, Django will automatically add an id field to serve as the primary key. This auto-created id field can generate warnings that many developers find confusing at first. In this blog post, we’ll take a deeper look at these warnings and what … Read more

Selecting a Random Record with Django’s ORM

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django’s object-relational mapper (ORM) provides a powerful way to interact with databases in Python code. While the ORM makes common queries easy, getting a random record takes a little extra work. In this post, we’ll explore a few different approaches to selecting a random row from a Django model. First, let’s look at why retrieving … Read more

Limiting Maximum Value of Numeric Fields

Django Web Framework Tutorials

When defining numeric fields like integers, floats, and decimals in Django models, it can be useful to validate that the values entered do not exceed a certain maximum value. Django provides simple ways to define upper and lower boundaries for numeric fields right in the model definition. Why Limit Maximum Value There are a few … Read more

Listing Url Patterns in Django

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django is a popular Python web framework that makes it easy to build web applications. One key aspect of Django is URLconfs – they allow you to map URLs to views. Learning how to list and see all the URL patterns in a Django project can be very useful when debugging or understanding how the … Read more

How to get First Object from a Queryset in Django

Django Web Framework Tutorials

In Django, accessing the first object from an queryset is a common operation when working with database models. While Django provides several ways to achieve this understanding the most efficient method is essential. Let’s explore the different techniques for retrieving the first object from a queryset in Django. Using the first() Method The first() method … Read more

How to Manage Local vs Production Settings in Django

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django, a versatile web framework for Python, allows you to create web applications for different environments, such as development, testing and production. To ensure your application runs smoothly in these distinct settings, its crucial to manage local and production settings efficiently. In this blog post, we explore best practices for handling settings in Django for … Read more

Convert Django Model to Dict with 3 Methods

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Learn how to easily convert Django model instances or objects into dictionaries for better data management and flexibility in Django projects. Discover the efficiency of converting Django model queryset objects to dictionary using the versatile ‘model_to_dict’ (model to dict) function and two other different methods Using Python’s Dictionary Comprehension One of the most straightforward methods … Read more

Performing OR Filters in Django Queries

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django’s robust ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) provides powerful tools for querying databases. When it comes to filtering data, you might need to perform OR operations, where you retrieve data that matches one condition or another. In this blog post, we will explore how to perform OR filters in Django queries, providing various examples to illustrate different … Read more

How to Reset/Change Django Admin Password

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django admin panel is a powerful tool for managing your website’s content and configuration. However if you’ve forgotten the password for your Django admin account or need to reset it for any reason, you can easily do so using Django’s built-in management commands. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps to reset … Read more

How to Style Forms in Django

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django, a popular Python web framework, provides a robust form-handling system that simplifies the process of collecting user input. While Django’s forms come with built-in functionality, customizing their appearance to match your website’s design can greatly enhance the user experience. In this blog post, we’ll explore various techniques and best practices for styling Django forms … Read more

Custom 404 Error Page Template in Django with Example

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Have you ever encountered a “404 Page Not Found” error while browsing the internet? It’s a common occurrence when a web server can’t find the requested page. But did you know that you can personalize this error page to match your website’s branding and design? In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the process of … Read more

Custom 500 Server Error Page Template in Django

Django Web Framework Tutorials

When building a web application, it’s important to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience even when things go wrong. One common issue that users might encounter is the “500 Internal Server Error.” While this error can be caused by a variety of server-side issues, you can still make the error experience more pleasant by creating … Read more

How to Integrate CKEditor Rich Text Field in Django Website

Django Web Framework Tutorials

CKEditor is a popular WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) rich text editor that enables users to create and edit content with ease. Integrating CKEditor into your Django website allows you to provide a user-friendly content editing experience. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of integrating CKEditor into … Read more

Integrate TinyMCE Text Editor in Django Website

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django, a popular Python web framework, provides developers with powerful tools for building dynamic and content-rich websites. To create and manage text content easily, integrating a rich text editor is a great choice. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to integrate the TinyMCE text editor into a Django application. With TinyMCE, you can empower … Read more

How to Provide Initial Values to Django Model Forms

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Django, a versatile Python web framework, simplifies the process of building web applications, including forms for data input. Model Forms allow you to create forms based on your database models effortlessly. Sometimes, you may need to pre-fill form fields with default or initial values to improve user experience and streamline data entry. In this blog … Read more

How To Use Pandas Library in Django with Examples

Django Web Framework Tutorials

Pandas and Django are two powerful Python libraries widely used in data analysis and web development, respectively. Combining their capabilities can greatly enhance the data handling and processing aspects of your Django web application. In this blog, we will explore how to integrate Pandas into a Django project, and we’ll provide a practical example to … Read more

Send User Verification and Welcome Email using Django Signals

Django Web Framework Tutorials

In this tutorial, we will learn how to send user verification and welcome emails using Django signals. Signals in Django are a powerful mechanism for allowing decoupled applications to get notified when certain actions occur elsewhere in the codebase. We’ll leverage signals to send verification emails when a new user signs up and a welcome … Read more